Young Caravanners was a concept born by two couples back in 2018 with a great ambition to improve the appeal of touring to the new generation of millennials. It started with a social media group, with a few initial members, before growing to what it is today. If you want to know more about how we started, check out the About Us page on this site.
We've seen great take up of our group and a recent survey revealed that of our 850 members, over 85% of these are aged 18-40. Whilst membership continues to grow steadily, We recognised the general declining trend of younger generations taking to the hobby. Due to this, we've also made use of industry support to develop and promote the cause. In the past two years, we've work with a number of partners who have shown interest in aligning goals and supporting the cause to get young people touring, helping to #inspireyouradventure.
We've been fortunate to have received support and sponsorship for various elements of our club operations such as Website hosting, prizes and goodies for competitions etc, loan vehicles and general financial support. See below for just some of the industry specialists we've worked with in the past two years. Our thanks go out to all of them!
Could you help to support Young Caravanners? As we continue to expand and grow, we're always looking for support and assistance from industry partners. Whether it's technical support, member discounts, goods or financial support you can offer, it will be sure to give us the fuel we need to continue to grow this great club. If you'd like to work with us and discuss further, why not get in touch on info@youngcaravanners.co.uk
From the team at Young caravanners, Thankyou!